Melanoma Highlights from Pr Olivier Michielin, Responsable de la Consultation spécialisée du mélanome Service d'oncologie médicale, Département d'oncologie UNIL CHUV
Dirk Schadendorf (Essen, Germany)
LBA67 - Adjuvant immunotherapy with nivolumab (NIVO) alone or in combination with ipilimumab (IPI) versus placebo in stage IV melanoma patients with no evidence of disease (NED): A randomized, double-blind phase II trial (IMMUNED) (ID 2898)
Conclusions: Among stage IV melanoma pts with NED adjuvant therapy with NIVO alone or in combination with IPI resulted in significantly longer RFS compared to placebo. The rate of grade 3/4 treatment-related AEs in the NIVO and in the NIVO plus IPI group was higher than the rate reported in the CheckMate 067 trial in pts with unresectable melanoma.
James M. Larkin (London, United Kingdom)
LBA68_PR - 5-year survival outcomes of the CheckMate 067 phase III trial of nivolumab plus ipilimumab (NIVO+IPI) combination therapy in advanced melanoma (ID 2545)
Conclusions: This 5-year analysis represents the longest phase III follow-up for checkpoint inhibitor combination therapy and demonstrates long-term survival with both NIVO-containing arms vs IPI. In descriptive analyses, NIVO+IPI was associated with improved survival and a higher likelihood of being alive and treatment-free compared with NIVO alone, both without loss of QoL.
NEJM: J. Larkin and Others: Five-Year Survival with Combined Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Advanced Melanoma
Reinhard Dummer (Zurich, Switzerland)
LBA66 - Primary 2-year (yr) results of a phase II, multicenter, randomized, open-label trial of efficacy and safety for talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) neoadjuvant (neo) treatment (tx) plus surgery (surg) vs surg in patients (pts) with resectable stage IIIB-IVM1a melanoma (ID 1056)
Conclusions: In the largest randomized trial of neo tx in resectable stage IIIB-IVM1a melanoma, neo T-VEC improved 2-yr RFS and OS. T-cell influx and PD-L1 upregulation after T-VEC tx support a role for the adaptive immune system consistent with the mechanisms of action.
Jeffrey S. Weber (New York City, United States of America)
1310O - Adjuvant nivolumab (NIVO) versus ipilimumab (IPI) in resected stage III/IV melanoma: 3-year efficacy and biomarker results from the phase III CheckMate 238 trial (ID 2801)
Conclusions: With 36 mo of follow-up, NIVO continued to demonstrate superior efficacy over IPI in pts with stage III/IV melanoma at high risk of recurrence across pt subgroups. Additional analyses using composite scoring of biomarker combinations will be presented.
Georgina V. Long (Wollstonecraft, NSW, Australia)
1311O - Long-term outcomes from the randomized phase II study of nivolumab (nivo) or nivo+ipilimumab (ipi) in patients (pts) with melanoma brain metastases (mets): Anti-PD1 brain collaboration (ABC) (ID 3661)
Conclusions: With longer follow up, upfront ipi+nivo demonstrates durable IC responses in the majority of patients, with no new AEs. A study of upfront ipi+nivo+SRS vs ipi+nivo is planned (NCT03340129).