Melanoma and other skin tumours
1038MO - Intracranial activity of encorafenib and binimetinib followed by radiotherapy in patients with BRAF mutated melanoma and brain metastasis: Preliminary results of the GEM1802/EBRAIN-MEL phase II clinical trial
Ivan Marquez-Rodas, et al.
These results are in line with previous data reported for other targeted therapies in this setting, demonstrating a high response rate that is independent of symptomatic status of the pts. Based on this analysis, planned enrollment will continue until completion of accrual.
1039MO - CheckMate 204: 3-year outcomes of treatment with combination nivolumab (NIVO) plus ipilimumab (IPI) for patients (pts) with active melanoma brain metastases (MBM)
Kim A., et al.
High concordance was observed between INV- and BICR-assessed responses in this trial for both cohorts. The durable 3-y OS and PFS rates for the asymptomatic cohort support the use of first-line NIVO + IPI. Symptomatic pts with MBM remain difficult to treat, but some can derive long-term benefit from NIVO + IPI.
LBA39 - Personalized combination of neoadjuvant domatinostat, nivolumab (NIVO) and ipilimumab (IPI) in stage IIIB-D melanoma patients (pts) stratified according to the interferon-gamma signature (IFN-γ sign): The DONIMI study
Christian U. Blank, et al.
Neoadj NIVO ± DOM ± IPI appears safe and feasible. DONIMI shows prospectively the discriminative ability of the IFN-γ sign algorithm. It adequately identified pts who can benefit from NIVO ± DOM alone (IFN-γ high pts) vs pts who might need an alternative scheme (IFN-γ low pts). Standard DOM dosing (200mg BID d1-14) plus IPI + NIVO is currently being tested.
LBA40 - SECOMBIT: The best sequential approach with combo immunotherapy [ipilimumab (I) /nivolumab (N)] and combo target therapy [encorafenib (E)/binimetinib (B)] in patients with BRAF mutated metastatic melanoma: A phase II randomized study
Paolo A. Ascierto, et al.
The OS and TPFS rates at 2 and 3 years showed a better trend in arm B and C. Data continue to be collected to provide additional information on the long-term benefit of the three treatment combinations. The biomarkers analysis is ongoing.
1041MO - 5-year update on COLUMBUS: A randomized phase III trial of encorafenib (enco) + binimetinib (bini) versus enco or vemurafenib (vem) in patients (pts) with BRAF V600-mutant melanoma
Reinhard Dummer, et al.
Updated results with enco + bini indicate continued long-term benefit in pts with advanced/metastatic BRAFV600 melanoma.